L.A.c., MSOM
Licensed acupuncturist
Phone: 860-698-2906
Scott is licensed in Connecticut and is a nationally board certified (NCCAOM) acupuncturist. He holds a four-year Masters in Science and Oriental Medicine from South West Acupuncture College. Scott specializes in:
Pain management
Orthopedic/sports acupuncture
Facial rejuvenation/dermatology
Most health problems are caused by imbalances in the body. Acupuncture focuses on alleviating these imbalances so that the body can heal itself. The body has an innate healing response, and it is only when the body cannot repair itself that a problem becomes chronic.
Chinese Medicine has been around for over 3000 years. Time tested and proven, it is now recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) to be able to successfully treat a wide range of conditions including, but not limited to:
Herbal formulas have a range of support to help your body heal naturally and will be discussed on an individual basis. For consultations, health concerns or questions, please inquire.
Scott treats his patients comprehensively and holistically using many different modalities,
such as: acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion, cupping, shiatsu, nutritional
and lifestyle counseling.
first treatment
Acupuncture treatment package
(*Armed Forces and Veterans will receive a 10% discount*)
*Contact Nirvana to schedule an appointment: